Tag: Peace
Myanmar’s bishops urge military to end violence, start dialogue
As protests against the military coup intensify in Myanmar, the country’s Catholic bishops have issued another statement, calling on the army to refrain from violence and peacefully resolve the crisis through dialogue.
Japan’s Bishops promote peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons
As Catholics in Japan commemorate the 75th anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by an atomic bomb, their Bishops take steps to promote peace and abolish nuclear weapons.
Pope Francis on Middle East: War should never be considered normal
War is madness, Pope Francis told bishops gathered in the Italian city of Bari Sunday in a speech that warned against populist sentiments and condemned countries that sell weapons that fund wars in the Middle East.
On 9/11, pope greets Vatican, Muslim leaders promoting world peace
On a day remembered for the terrorist attacks against the United States, Pope Francis met with members of a committee of Muslim leaders and Vatican officials promoting a new era of dialogue and world peace.