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Tag: Our Lady Star of the Sea Church

Gereja ‘Our Lady Star of the Sea’ merayakan Misa Iban Pertama

Ia ternyata hari yang tidak akan dilupakan oleh jemaat paroki Gereja ‘Our Lady Star of the Sea’ apabila rektor mereka, Fr Vincent Chin, yang fasih berbahasa Iban, merayakan Misa Iban pertama mereka di gereja tersebut pada Ahad 23 Februari lalu.

First Iban Mass for Our Lady Star of the Sea Church

It was a memorable day for the parishioners of Our Lady Star of the Sea Church as their Rector, Fr Vincent Chin who is fluent in Iban, celebrated their first Iban Mass at the Church on Sunday, 23 February.

Fr Vincent Chin leads Gawai Toasts in Bidayuh, Iban and Chinese at new OLSS...

A Gawai celebration was held in the newly completed Our Lady Star of the Sea Church on 16 June 2019 and was attended by 400 guests including Parish councillors.
