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Sandakan diocese welcomes a new deacon

Thirty-two-year-old seminarian Ricki Boy Hasim was ordained to the Order of Deacons by Right Rev Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan...

Paderi Herman Menjuan: warga Malaysia pertama ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill

Pada 25 Oktober lalu, umat Katolik menyaksikan, menerusi siaran secara langsung di Youtube, warga Malaysia pertama yang ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill di Paroki St Joseph Shaury Moyo, Nairobi, Kenya.

Fr Herman Menjuan, first Malaysian ordained as Mill Hill Missionary

On Oct 25, the Catholic faithful witnessed through live telecast via Youtube, the first Malaysian ordained as Mill Hill missionary at St Joseph’s Parish Shaury Moyo, Nairobi, Kenya.

Richard Ng ordained Bishop of Miri

On 25 January, the Archdiocese of Kuching rejoiced with the Diocese of Miri as more than 400 Catholics from Kuching were among the...

Archdiocese of Kuching celebrates the gift of Fr Joseph Liew

KUCHING — The morning of 7 November saw faithful particularly from Kuching and Bau in St Joseph’s Cathedral filling up the church to full capacity to witness the sacerdotal ordination of Deacon Joseph Liew...
