‘Kuching Secular Carmelites’ mengejar kesempurnaan injili
Ahli-ahli majlis Komuniti OCDS (Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites) Kristus Raja, iaitu Catherine Sim (Presiden) dan...
嘉尔默罗圣衣会在俗会基督君王团体的理事会成员:主席 Catherine Sim,理事会成员,第一参赞Juliana Lim,第二参赞Annie Yeo,第三参赞...
Kuching Secular Carmelites push on towards evangelical perfection
Christ The King OCDS Community (Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites) held a ceremony of the Clothing and Reception of...
Secular Carmelites hold Annual Retreat
The Christ The King Community of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites had their recent Annual Retreat at a local hotel on 31 August to 2 September.
Following Jesus in the Teresian Secular Carmel
It was a joyous occasion for the Carmelite family on 31 August when three OCDS / Secular Carmelites - Eunice Gan, Audrey Yu and Agatha Ngu made their Definitive Promise during the Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr Nicholas Hoh, OCD and Rev. Fr Larry Tan, SJ at the Carmelite Chapel in Kuching
Secular Carmelites gather for 7th OCDS Malaysian National Congress
Some 70 Secular Carmelites of the Secular Discalced Carmelite Order (OCDS) in Malaysia celebrated their 7th OCDS Malaysia National Congress at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, Kuala Lumpur, from 25-28 April,