Tag: OCD
Pemilihan Prioress dan Kaunselor baharu untuk Persidangan Biarawati Carmelite
Pada Sabtu, 23 Mei 2020, perkumpulan Biarawati Carmel berhimpun di Bilik Persidangan Biara Carmel untuk pemilihan Mother Prioress dan tiga orang Kaunselor mereka. Uskup Agung Simon Poh mempengerusikan pemilihan, dibantu oleh dua orang scrutator yang dipilih daripada kalangan biarawati.
Elections for new Prioress and Councilors for Carmelite Nuns
On Saturday, 23 May 2020, the Carmelite Nuns gathered in the Chapter Room of the Carmelite Monastery for the elections of their Mother Prioress and three Councilors.
Secular Carmelites gather for 7th OCDS Malaysian National Congress
Some 70 Secular Carmelites of the Secular Discalced Carmelite Order (OCDS) in Malaysia celebrated their 7th OCDS Malaysia National Congress at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, Kuala Lumpur, from 25-28 April,