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Pope appoints Sr. Simona Brambilla as Vatican’s first female prefect

Sister Simona Brambilla, who will turn 60 on March 27, previously served as the Superior General of the Consolata Missionaries. Pope...

Mary Glowrey: First woman religious doctor being considered for sainthood

Eighty years ago, Doctor Sister Mary Glowrey, JMJ, an Australian born and educated medical missionary, founded India’s largest...

Enterprising Catholic nun connects to youth through filmmaking

A Catholic nun living in the western Indian city of Mumbai, Sister Josefina Albuquerque, has taken the initiative to dive into the film...

Sisters in Ukraine: Choosing life in the midst of war

Sister Teodora Shulak, Superior General of the Redemptorist sisters, shares her reflections and her interior struggles in the face of...

A religious sister in Myanmar: ‘Remaining with my people’

Sr. Rosalind Arokiaswami, a missionary in Myanmar with the Sisters of the Infant Jesus, recounts the decisive moment in her faith journey when she...

Sr Mary-Joy: From farm to firefighting to pony centre

“If you dream,” Sr Mary-Joy says, “it will happen.”