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Tag: Mt Singai

Uskup Agung Kuching berkati patung Kristus Raja di Gunung Singai

Uskup Agung Katolik Metropolitan Kuching, Simon Poh telah memberkati patung Kristus Raja di Pusat Ziarah Memorial Katolik (CMPC) Singai...

Archbishop Simon Poh blesses Singai’s Christ the King statue

Kuching Roman Catholic Archbishop Simon Poh had on New Year’s Day (Jan 1) presided over the blessing of the Christ the King statue at...

Ziarah Lent Sekolah Minggu BSC ke Gunung Singai

Sekolah Minggu Gereja Sakramen Maha Kudus (Inggeris & Cina) menganjurkan ziarah Lent tahunan mereka ke Gunung Singai pada 14 Mac lalu dari jam 8.30 pagi hingga 1.00 petang.

BSC Sunday School Lenten Pilgrimage to Mount Singai

The annual Lenten pilgrimage to Mt Singai took place on 14 March by the Sunday School of Blessed Sacrament Church (English & Chinese), from 8.30 am – 1.00 pm.

An Appeal for Financial Assistance in aid of Christ the King Chapel Extension Project

BAU — The committee of Catholic Memorial and Pastoral Centre (CMPC), Mt Singai, Bau is appealing for financial assistance to help make the extension project of Christ the King Chapel (on Mt Singai) a reality.

St. Peter’s Parish visits popular Pilgrimage Site

As part of the Lenten activities for St Peter’s Parish, two hundred and eighty one (281) pilgrims including forty four (44) children participated in the Annual Pilgrimage to Mt. Singai on 16 March 2019.
