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Tag: Mother's Day

Sambutan Hari Ibu di Gereja Katolik St Ignatius, Saratok

Tanggal 12 Mei 2024 merupakan hari yang paling bermakna buat insan yang bergelar ibu...

One Rose, One Heart, Offering Roses to Our Blessed Mother Mary

The St Ann, Kota Padawan Mother’s Day is a cherished occasion to honour the remarkable women who had nurtured and guided us.

A Tribute to Mothers…

Parishes in the Kuching Archdiocese celebrated Mother’s Day during the Sunset / Sunday Mass on 11–12 May 2024 with special blessings from...

Archbishop Simon Poh sings ‘Mother of Mine’ at Mass on Mother’s Day

Archbishop Simon Poh pays tribute at Sunday live-stream Mass on Mother's Day, with a song to honour All Mothers and to wish them 'Happy Mother's Day'. https://youtu.be/-vP9LXYglTA

Uskup Agung bernyanyi kepada ibu-ibu pada Hari Ibu

Pada 9 Mei lepas, selepas merayakan Misa Hari Minggu yang distrimkan secara langsung, Uskup Agung Simon Poh menyanyikan lagu ‘Mother of Mine’ untuk memberi penghormatan kepada ibu-ibu, nenek-nenek dan ibu-ibu hamil.

Mother’s Day: Pope applauds all moms, mums, and mamas

“We greet all the mothers of the world, even those who have passed away,” said the Pope. “A round of applause for mothers!”