Tag: Mother Mary
Pope’s letter to grieving mother: ‘Always ask for Mary’s intercession’
Each month, one magazine, Piazza San Pietro, prints a letter addressed to Pope Francis. This month’s edition was a letter sent by a...
Faithful unite in devotion at Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
On the glorious morning of 16 July, a Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebration was held, bringing devoted faithful together to...
One Rose, One Heart, Offering Roses to Our Blessed Mother Mary
The St Ann, Kota Padawan Mother’s Day is a cherished occasion to honour the remarkable women who had nurtured and guided us.
Pope: Pray Rosary for Our Lady’s intercession in wars lashing our world
Pope Francis entrusted to the Blessed Mother people suffering from wars and conflicts around the world, and invited the faithful to...
Program bulan rosari bersama umat rumah panjang
Bulan Oktober merupakan bulan untuk memperingati Bonda Maria. Jawatankuasa induk Gereja St Ignatius dengan kerjasama Ministri Belia Gereja...
Program Bulan Rosari di Gereja Santa Anna
Pada 1 Oktober lalu, Paroki Santa Anna telah membuka Bulan Rosari yang berlangsung sepanjang bulan Oktober.