Tag: Monthly Intentions
Pope’s March prayer intention: For victims of abuse
In his prayer intention for March 2023, Pope Francis prays for victims of abuse, and says the Church must serve as a model of safeguarding...
Hajat doa Paus bagi bulan Februari: Agar paroki menjadi komuniti terbuka
Dalam video hajat doanya bagi bulan Februari, Pope Francis meminta paroki untuk benar-benar menjadi komuniti: tempat mendengar dan...
Pope’s February prayer intention: For parishes to be open communities
In his prayer intention video for February, Pope Francis asks parishes to truly be communities: places of listening and welcome whose...
Pope’s September prayer intention: For abolition of the death penalty
In his prayer intention for September, Pope Francis calls on all people of good will “to mobilize for the abolition of the death penalty...
Niat doa Paus pada Ogos: ‘Bagi perniagaan kecil’
Pada bulan Ogos, Pope Francis menyeru kepada umat Katolik untuk berdoa bagi perniagaan kecil dan sederhana, supaya “di tengah-tengah...
Pope’s August prayer intention: ‘For small businesses’
As August kicks off, Pope Francis is calling on Catholics to pray for small and medium-sized businesses, so that "in the midst of economic...