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Tag: Monthly Intentions

Pope’s December prayer intention: ‘For people with disabilities’

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of December 2023, and invites everyone to pray that people with disabilities may...

Pope’s November prayer intention: For the Pope

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of November, asking the faithful to pray that the Lord will bless him.

Niat doa Paus bagi bulan September: “Bagi orang yang hidup di pinggiran”

“Marilah kita berdoa bagi mereka yang hidup di pinggiran masyarakat dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai bagi manusia, agar mereka tidak...

Pope’s September prayer intention: ‘For people living on the margins’

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of September, and invites everyone to pray and assist people who live on the...

Pope’s July prayer intention: For a Eucharistic life

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of July, which is dedicated to the Eucharist, and asks that we place the...

Niat doa Paus bagi bulan April: ‘Untuk budaya tiada keganasan’

Pada waktu Gereja meraikan 60 tahun sejak Pope St John XXIII menerbitkan ensikliknya Pacem in Terris, Pope Francis menyeru kepada umat...