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Tag: Missionary Work

Cardinal in Mongolia dreams of establishing a Catholic monastery to advance evangelization

When Italian Cardinal Giorgio Marengo first arrived as a missionary priest in Mongolia 20 years ago, his mission set up two yurts...

Catholic sister in Mongolia hopes Pope’s visit will help increment work of missionaries

An Indian missionary sister whose work is in Ulaanbaatar, looks forward to Pope Francis’ apostolic visit to Mongolia this upcoming 31...

Pope: ‘Going on mission means giving the best of ourselves and God’s gifts’

In a video message, Pope Francis encourages a parish group in Argentina who went on mission among indigenous peoples, and recalls that going "on mission"...

Korean missionaries build up lives in Malaysia’s Borneo

Priests from South Korea started the mission after Western missionaries were restricted in the Muslim-majority country.

Pope to missionaries: thank you for your witness at a high price

On the Sunday on which the Church celebrates World Mission Sunday, Pope Francis addressed his thanks to those who spend their lives bearing witness to the Gospel.

Seoul rewards the missionary of workers on society’s margins

To the Irish Fr. Donal O'Keeffe has been awarded the recognition of being "immigrant of the year". Since the 1980s he has dedicated himself to helping the less skilled workers living in the slums.
