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Tag: Miri

Miri Catholics celebrate open-air mass in parked cars in first Sunday Mass ...

Catholic parishioners in Miri celebrated their first Sunday Mass in three months—inside parked cars in an open-air mass at Church of Mater Dei in Lutong bazaar on Sunday.

Church of Mater Dei to hold open air mass in carpark

The Church of Mater Dei (CMD) in Lutong will hold an open air mass at its carpark on Sunday (June 21) at 7am.

Pilgrimage to visit historical Catholic site in Marudi

More than 300 parishioners from the parishes of St Joseph Miri and St Michael Batu Niah visited the Good Shepherd Church in Marudi on 7 September.

The Bible Class Year End Party 2015

YEAR END PARTY ... To mark the end of a fruitful year of bible studying, Bishop Richard's bible class leaders organised a year end party on Thursday 17 December at the Maranatha Hall with...

Resignation of the Bishop of Miri, appointment of successor

VATICAN CITY — The Holy Father, on 30 October 2013, accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Miri , by His Excellency Mgsr. Anthony Lee Kok Hin, in accordance with...
