Tag: Ministry to Migrants
Catholic athlete Sarah Escobar makes history at Winter Olympics
When Sarah Escobar packed her bags for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, she included a memento from her mother: a stone carved with the word “Faith.”
Virtual concert raises RM20,000 for Home of Peace and Migrant Ministry
“Angels’ Carols: A Virtual Christmas Concert” was organised with the support of the Archdiocesan Commission for Mission and Human Development of the Kuching Catholic Archdiocese Pastoral Council, in collaboration with EMPOWERED Ministry Kuching.
Kerana Aku Lapar…
Sebuah konvoi van dan MPV yang bergerak perlahan-lahan di lebuh bandar raya pada pagi Sabtu bukan sesuatu yang membuatkan kita rasa teruja. Tetapi bagi mereka yang menaiki kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut, ada tanda keterujaan; ada rasa misi dan tujuan.
Simbang Gabi – partake & prepare
You are invited to partake and prepare at the (normal circumstances - 5.30 am dawn) 9 - Day online Masses in anticipation of and in preparation for Christ's coming.
Dates: 15 - 23 December 2020Time...
For I was hungry…
A convoy of vans and MPVs slowly making its way through the city streets on a Saturday morning is nothing to get excited about. But for the people inside the vehicles, there is a hint of excitement; a sense of mission and purpose.