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Tag: Mill Hill Missionary

Farewell Fr Thomas O’Connor, a big Thank You from the Amazons of Borneo!

Mill Hill priest Rev Father Thomas O'Connor served 52 years in Sarawak, a place he called the land of eternal summer.

First Mill Hill ordination in Sabah

The sacerdotal ordination of Deacon Elvost Lunchi on July 22 was a momentous occasion filled with joy and colour.

In Remembrance of Fr Michael O’Brien

Fr Michael O’Brien arrived in the Archdiocese of Kuching in 1969 and served in Bau in the 1970s.

Blessed Sacrament Labuan keeps Msgr Cuarteron memories alive

On 3 April under the hot glaring sun, 50 faithful gathered at the grotto for prayers to begin the pilgrimage.

Indian missionary finds joy of Christ in Muslim-majority Malaysia

Father Ravindra learned Bahasa Malayu, Iban and Mandarin to communicate and celebrate Mass.

Paderi Herman Menjuan: warga Malaysia pertama ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill

Pada 25 Oktober lalu, umat Katolik menyaksikan, menerusi siaran secara langsung di Youtube, warga Malaysia pertama yang ditahbiskan sebagai mubaligh Mill Hill di Paroki St Joseph Shaury Moyo, Nairobi, Kenya.
