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Satu inisiatif di Kolumbarium St Peter untuk orang tersayang yang sudah meninggal dunia

Selama beberapa fasa sewaktu Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dilaksanakan di negara kita, Kolumbarium St Peter (SPCo) di Kuching telah menerima banyak permintaan agar lilin dinyalakan bagi pihak mereka di kolumbarium untuk orang tersayang yang sudah meninggal dunia.

Church holds first Sunset Mass during MCO

Catholics here gathered on Saturday evening (20 June) to attend the first Sunset Mass at the Holy Mary Immaculate Conception Church after three months of closure due to the threat of Covid-19.

An Initiative at St Peter’s Columbarium for our Dearly Departed

Throughout the various phases of our country’s “Movement Control Order” (MCO), St Peter’s Columbarium (SPCo) in Kuching has received numerous requests for candles to be lighted on their behalf at the columbarium for their departed loved ones.

Garis Panduan untuk Membuka Semula Gereja/Pejabat Paroki

Sementara kita bersiap-sedia untuk membuka semula pejabat gereja dan lambat-laun bangunan gereja kita selepas PKP berakhir pada 9 Jun atau selepas itu…



Guidelines for re-opening of Catholic Parish Offices and Churches

As we prepare for the re-opening of church offices and eventually our churches after the 9 June MCO or beyond…