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Nationwide MCO from Wednesday to fight ‘third wave’

A three-week nationwide MCO comes into force from Wednesday (May 12), on the eve of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, with all social activities including Hari Raya visits banned.

SDMC implements even stricter SOPs for funerals, other social activities

The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has tightened its standard operating procedures (SOP) on funerals and prohibited all social activities, including birthday celebrations and reunions.



MCO forces postponement of ruling on use of ‘Allah’ by Christians

The High Court has again deferred delivering its ruling on a judicial review application by a Sarawakian to use the word “Allah” for the purpose of religious education.

Kerana Aku Lapar…

Sebuah konvoi van dan MPV yang bergerak perlahan-lahan di lebuh bandar raya pada pagi Sabtu bukan sesuatu yang membuatkan kita rasa teruja. Tetapi bagi mereka yang menaiki kenderaan-kenderaan tersebut, ada tanda keterujaan; ada rasa misi dan tujuan.

For I was hungry…

A convoy of vans and MPVs slowly making its way through the city streets on a Saturday morning is nothing to get excited about. But for the people inside the vehicles, there is a hint of excitement; a sense of mission and purpose.