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Pope at opening Mass for Synod: Let us walk with the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis presides at the Holy Mass in St Peter’s Square for the Opening of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, and invites the faithful to walk with the Holy Spirit, “in trust and with joy”.

Why do I have to fast one hour before Mass?

The discipline of fasting before Mass highlights our need to be hungry for the Eucharistic bread we eat. Many Catholics from an older...

Attending Mass: Lifting of Dispensation with effect from Palm Sunday 2023

We remind ourselves once again, “the Lord’s Day, on which the paschal mystery is celebrated, is by apostolic tradition to be observed in the universal Church as a primary holy day of obligation” (CIC 1246 §1).

Fr Sylvester Wong celebrates his first Mass at the Cathedral

On Jul 2 and Jul 3, newly ordained priest Fr Sylvester Wong presided the English Sunset Mass and the Chinese Mass respectively for the...

An inside look at the Mass

The Mass explained from the inside out: this was the unique experience of some 120 plus parishioners who filled the Church of Divine Mercy for A Walk-through Mass recently.

Misa Kudus diadakan semula di Chapel Bonda Maria, Stutong

Chapel Bonda Maria di Stutong sekali lagi membuka pintunya kepada jemaat untuk menghadiri Misa Kudus pada Ahad, 15 Ogos 2021.