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Tag: Malaysia

No to preaching Islam in non-Muslim places of worship

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has expressed concern over recent...

Malaysians at the Youth Congress

The International Youth Ministry Congress, organised by the Dicastery of Laity and Family Life (DLFL), was held in Rome from May 22-26. Each country was asked to send two representatives: one from the national...

Fostering resilience and independence among Migrant youths

The dire situation in Myanmar has led to a significant exodus, with many Myanmarese seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, including Malaysia...

Carmel Kuching meriahkan Sambutan Ulang Tahun Ke-100 Carmel Jaro

Empat biarawati Carmelite berbangsa Perancis dari Hue, Vietnam, tiba atas pelawaan Uskup Jaro ketika itu, Uskup James Paul McCloskey...

Kuching Carmel delighted to join Jaro Carmel Centenary Celebrations in Philippines

Four French Carmelite nuns from Hue, Vietnam arrived at the invitation of then-Jaro Bishop James Paul McCloskey to set up the religious...

Pope Francis confers Knighthood on Malaysian for commitment to social communication

The Holy Father has conferred the title Knight of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St Sylvester, Pope and Martyr (one of the five Orders of Knighthood awarded directly by the Pope), on Lawrence John Sinniah...
