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Tag: Lent

A time of renewal and regeneration

On March 19, the Catholic Students Society of UTAR organised a virtual talk via Microsoft Teams on The Lenten Season & Easter with Sr Margaret Pereira Rgs and Ms Angela Ong.

What the youths are praying for this Lent

"Help us not to be the weeds in your garden. Instead, lead us closer to you and give us the wisdom to make choices that will please you."

Pope Francis: ‘Experience Lent with love’ by caring for those affected by pandemic

Pope Francis has encouraged Catholics to practice charity in Lent this year by caring for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.


圣体堂华语主日学在四旬期里,于2020年3月14 到勿南的革责玛尼园户外活动走苦路。总共有46位父母和孩子们参与这次的苦路之行。

Ziarah Lent Sekolah Minggu BSC ke Gunung Singai

Sekolah Minggu Gereja Sakramen Maha Kudus (Inggeris & Cina) menganjurkan ziarah Lent tahunan mereka ke Gunung Singai pada 14 Mac lalu dari jam 8.30 pagi hingga 1.00 petang.

5th Sunday of Lent – Mass Live Broadcast

https://youtu.be/Z8G2sEpfSjg https://youtu.be/12u1AoE3Ykk