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Tag: Lent

Stations of the Cross resumes at CMM Stutong this Lent

During this Lenten season, the Stations of the Cross devotion are held at the Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong, every Friday night at 7.30 pm from 24 February – 31 March 2023.

Pengampunan, Pengudusan dan Pengurapan Roh Kudus di Retreat Penyembuhan

Sebagai persiapan bagi musim Lent, Keuskupan Agung Kuching telah menganjurkan Retreat Penyembuhan Ilahi Lent selama tiga hari di Pusat...


为准备四旬期,古晋总教区于 2023年2月24日至26日,在基督徒崇拜中心(CEWC)主办了一项为期三天的神圣四旬期疗愈退省。

Participants learn about Forgiveness, Sanctification and anointing power of the Holy Spirit at Healing...

To prepare for the season of Lent, the Archdiocese of Kuching organised a 3-Day Divine Lenten Healing Retreat at the Christian Ecumenical Worship Centre (CEWC) from 24-26 February 2023.

Archbishop John Wong shares three points on Ash Wednesday Mass

Close to 600 faithful showed up for the Ash Wednesday morning mass on Feb 22 at St Paul, Dontozidon.

Pope Francis’ 10 suggestions for Lent

February 22, 2023, marks the beginning of Lent with the celebration of Ash Wednesday. To celebrate this important liturgical season in...