Tag: Lent
Pope at Ash Wednesday Mass: Jesus calls us to return to our heart this...
Pope Francis celebrates the beginning of Lent with Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina, and calls on the faithful to take up Jesus’...
Ash Wednesday: Leave the ashes on or wash them off?
At the Mass that marks the beginning of the season of Lent, which serves as preparation for Easter, the priest and the ministers who...
5 ways to observe St. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday
On Feb. 14 of each year, the Roman Martyrology commemorates the anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Valentine of Rome, who is considered...
Pope Francis: Lent is a time of conversion and freedom
In his message for Lent 2024, Pope Francis invites the faithful to “pause” for prayer and to assist our brothers and sisters in need, in...
CNY & LENT 2024 Message
CNY is about thanksgiving and family reunions while Lent calls us to the discipline of fasting, abstinence, sacrifice, prayer and almsgiving.