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Tag: Legion of Mary

Kuching Comitium 1st Legion of Mary Junior Praesidia Gathering “Walk By The Side of...

On 22 July 2022, the junior praesidium of Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted from St Joseph’s International School, Kuching hosted the...

Living out the identity of a Legion of Mary

Over 105 members of the Legion of Mary (LOM) attended a half-day recollection organised by the LOM Kota Kinabalu Comitium on Jun 18 at the...

Legionaries of Kuching Comitium commemorate 70 years of LOM in the Archdiocese

Legionaries of Kuching Comitium commemorated the 70th Anniversary of the Kuching Archdiocese Legion of Mary Apostolate and worldwide Centenary Celebration.

The “Legion of Mary”, compassionate face of the Church

To be "the compassionate face of the Church in Indonesia": this is the appeal made by Indonesian Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo, Archbishop of Jakarta, to the "Legion of Mary" (or "Legio Mariae").

Kota Kinabalu Comitium celebrates the Acies

The Legionaries attached to Kota Kinabalu Comitium, the higher council of the Legion of Mary in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, held their Acies on Saturday, 20 March at St Paul’s Church Dontozidon.

Legionari muda berhimpun untuk retreat Lent

Pada 14 Mac lalu, kira-kira 80 orang penziarah dari Kuching telah pergi ke Pusat Ziarah Getsemani Bunan untuk retreat setengah hari dan mengeratkan persaudaraan. Retreat itu dianjurkan oleh Legio Maria, Komitium Kuching.
