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Tag: Legion of Mary

Formation of Legion of Mary Our Lady of Sacred Heart Praesidium

The Sacred Heart Church here has recently established a Legion of Mary comprised of eight members, with Sr Susan Dulang, SSFS as the...

OL Undoer of Knots celebrates fifth anniversary

The Undoer of Knots praesidium based at Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) celebrated its fifth anniversary of formation at the BSC St...

Holy Trinity Church Legionaries welcome new Probationers

The Legion of Mary, Our Lady Refuge of Sinners Praesidium of Holy Trinity Church Kenyalang Park, received two Probationers in the person...

BSC Undoer of Knots praesidium welcomes new legionary

The Undoer of Knots praesidium of the Legion of Mary of the Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) witnessed the enrolment of a legionary in the...

Can we drink this cup, reaching out and touching hearts?

The Legion of Mary organised a Lenten Retreat to the Getsemane Retreat Centre, Bunan on 1 April 2023 with the theme: “Can we drink this Cup, reaching out and touching hearts?”

Kuching Comitium Legionaries told to embrace Synodality at Recollection

About 128 legionaries from various English Curia and Praesidia in Kuching, Padawan, Bau and Serian congregated at the Legionaries...