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Tag: Jubilee

Pope thanks Swiss Guards for patiently welcoming Jubilee pilgrims

“We all need to help and support one another, and this applies to individual communities, and also to the entire Church.” Pope Francis...

Pope: May Jubilee offer opportunity for ceasefire on all war fronts

The Holy Year and the Pope's dream look with hope to a world marked by peace, where weapons are locked away in arsenals, those...

Tujuh rohaniwati Fransiskan rai jubli intan, emas dan perak

Gereja Blessed Sacrament di sini dipenuhi rohaniwati, keluarga dan rakan-rakan mereka yang telah datang untuk menyertai tujuh rohaniwati...

Franciscan Sisters celebrate Diamond, Golden and Silver Jubilees

The Blessed Sacrament Church was filled with Sisters, families and friends who came to join seven Sisters from the Sisters of St Francis...

Saint Peter’s Basilica preparing for 2025 Jubilee Year

The Jubilee year 2025 is approaching and Saint Peter's Basilica is preparing for this great celebration of faith.