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Formasi Paska menyelami ‘Kepekaan terhadap Roh-Roh’

Hampir 190 individu memenuhi auditorium Mater Domini di ACCPC bagi Formasi Paska tentang ‘Kepekaan terhadap Roh-Roh’ yang dipimpin oleh Fr...



Easter Formation delves into the “Discernment of Spirits”

Nearly 190 individuals filled the Mater Domini auditorium at ACCPC for an Easter Formation on the “Discernment of Spirits”, led by Fr...

Selamat jalan kepada Fr Larry Tan, SJ

Fr Larry Tan, SJ, seorang paderi Jesuit yang disayangi ramai dan melayan di Paroki Katedral St Joseph selama 10 tahun, telah meninggalkan...

Laman Sun Valley Catholic Community bids farewell to Fr Larry Tan, SJ

Fr Larry Tan, SJ, a much loved Jesuit Priest who served at St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish for the past 10 years, has left Kuching to take up...

Fr Larry Tan, SJ: “I leave Kuching with a heavy heart”

The Kuching Archdiocese will soon say goodbye to a beloved Jesuit priest, Fr Larry Tan, SJ, who has devoted 10 years of service...
