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Tag: Interreligious Dialogue

Christians and Buddhists must walk together ‘for the sake of peace’

Sending his greetings to Buddhists on the occasion of Vesak, Cardinal Ayuso underscored the shared responsibility of Christians and Buddhists in fostering peace, reconciliation, and resilience.

Dicastery sends message for Ramadan to Muslims throughout the world

We are pleased to know that our yearly Message to you for Ramadan is an important means of strengthening and building good relations between Christians and Muslims...

Cardinal Chow: Taoists and Christians can join hands to build harmonious society

As a conference on Christianity and Taoism gets underway in Hong Kong, Cardinal Stephen Chow and Msgr. Indunil Kodithuwakku discuss the...

Vatican’s Deepavali message: Interreligious collaboration essential for peacebuilding

The Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue has released a message ahead of the Hindu feast of Deepavali (or Diwali), which this...

Pope: Christianity, Islam share common commitment to good life

Pope Francis addresses participants at a meeting reflecting on the creative commonalities between Christianity and Islam, and he reminds all those present...

Dicastery sends Message to Buddhists on Feast of Vesak 2023

This Dicastery, formerly known as the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, sends you its cordial greetings on the occasion of Vesak, a festive time in which you celebrate the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha.