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Caritas joins rescue efforts in Indonesia after cyclone disaster

Devastating floods and landslides triggered by cyclone Seroja, which struck a cluster of islands in south-east Indonesia and in Timor-Leste on Easter Sunday, have killed at least 120 people. Caritas and other agencies have swung into action to reach the survivors.

Pope at Angelus: Like Mary, we must follow Jesus

The Pope also offers prayers for all victims of violence, "especially those of this morning's attack in Indonesia in front of the Cathedral of Makassar".

Kongres Kerahiman Ilahi Nasional III Indonesia

Kongres Nasional (KONGNAS) III Komuniti Kerasulan Kerahiman Ilahi di Indonesia telah dihadiri seramai 670 orang peserta, termasuk uskup, paderi, religius dan peserta pelayanan Kerahiman Ilahi dari setiap daerah dan juga luar negara.
