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Cardinal Suharyo of Jakarta presents the Indonesia that Pope Francis will meet

This September, marking his 45th Apostolic Journey abroad, Pope Francis will set off on a whirlwind four-nation travel across Asia and Oceania.


(古晋讯)古晋总教区40多位教友于7月22日至25日乘大巴赴印尼坤甸朝圣。这是古晋圣若瑟总主教座堂华文组教友主办,参与者中包括8位达雅族教友。 朝圣团于清晨六时乘大巴启程,当天下午抵达坤甸市区。 朝圣团抵达次日拜访坤甸金碧辉煌的圣若瑟总主教座堂,在座堂的圣母亭诵念玫瑰经并参加主日弥撒。 朝圣期间造访的地点包括当地天主教会经营的孤儿院---孤儿院由修女管理,收留多位智障儿童与孤儿; 以及风景优美的安尊甘(anjungan)圣母山,并在此巧遇到此巡视的东加里曼丹当地总主教,获得总主教与修女热诚欢迎。多位团友还收集圣母泉的泉水。 除了天主教景点,朝圣团也参观了当地的名胜,包括赤道纪念碑、长屋、博物院、手工艺品中心、游船河等及购物。

Indonesia to replace ‘Isa Almasih’ with ‘Yesus Kristus’

The Indonesian government announced a change in the use of terms referring to Jesus Christ in official documents responding to...

Pope prays for Java earthquake victims, peace in world

At the conclusion of the General Audience, Pope Francis offers his prayers for the victims of the Java earthquake.

Indonesian Catholic youth hailed as hero for building churches

An Indonesian Catholic youth has been honored with a prestigious award for his inspiring initiative of building more than 150 churches in...

Eight new Jesuit priests ordained in Yogyakarta

Archbishop Robertus Rubiyatmoko of Semarang ordained eight Jesuit priests yesterday in Yogyakarta’s Saint Anthony of Padua Church, Central Java province.
