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Tag: Humanity

World Food Day: Pope urges leaders to listen to those at the end of...

Pope Francis chose a two-pronged approach for his message on World Food Day this year, decrying the fact that so much money is spent on...

Pope: ‘Wars destroy people and are defeat for humanity

At his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis decries suffering in Myanmar, the Middle East, Ukraine, and Haiti, while urging...

Nobel prize winners join calls for human fraternity

Some thirty Nobel prize laureates have signed the Declaration on Human Fraternity calling on all men and women of good will to embrace their appeal to fraternity...

Chipping in hot meals for frontliners

True to its mission, Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Human Development Committee (SHC/PHDC) chipped in three days of hot meals for frontliners beginning Nov 2 until Nov 4, which works out to a total of 1,200 meal packs.
