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Tag: Holy Week

Heavy rain doesn’t dampen the people’s spirit for Holy Week

Although the earth was soaked in heavy rain, still more than 600 parishioners attended the Palm Sunday Mass, Apr 1 at St Mary’s Cathedral...

Faithful reminded to ‘welcome and journey with Jesus’ at Palm Sunday procession

Over the weekend of 1–2 April this year, Catholics both young and old flocked to St Joseph’s Cathedral to celebrate Palm Sunday which...

4 Liturgical traditions on Easter Sunday

To celebrate the glory of Jesus' resurrection, the Church amplifies the liturgy with these symbolic traditions.

Why do Catholics cover crucifixes and statues during Lent?

It seems strange that during the most sacred time of year Catholics cover everything that is beautiful in their churches, even the crucifix. 

Interactive Holy Week and Easter Sessions with EMPOWERED Ministry

EMPOWERED Ministry organised a virtual session for Holy Week on Friday, 8 April via Zoom with the theme "What Do You Remember? A Holy Week...

Thousands of Catholics flock back to Church for Holy Week

Thousands of Christians and their families filled Churches all over the country for Palm Sunday, Easter Triduum Mass and Service, and Easter Sunday Mass.