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Tag: Holy Week

Sambut Yesus dan jalan bersama-Nya

Pada hujung minggu 1–2 April yang lalu, umat Katolik baik muda mahupun tua berpusu-pusu ke Katedral St Joseph untuk meraikan Hari Minggu Palma yang menandakan permulaan Minggu Kudus.

Holy Week in St Peter’s College

My first Holy Week in St Peter’s College was indeed blessed. While it was occupied with manual works and preparations, spiritual...

Sambutan Minggu Suci di Paroki Our Lady Queen of Peace Sri Aman

Paroki Our Lady Queen of Peace Sri Aman telah menyambut Minggu Suci pada 2-8 April 2023.

Holy Week celebrations at Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong

Chapel of Mother Mary Stutong wrapped up its Holy Week celebrations for the Year 2023, bringing the Season of Lent to a close to welcome...

Minggu Kudus dan Trihari Suci 2023 di Gereja St Ann Kota Padawan

Berdasarkan kalendar liturgi Gereja Katolik, Hari Minggu Palma merupakan permulaan Minggu Kudus dan ramai umat telah bersama-sama...

Solemn Holy Week rituals conclude with Easter Vigil

LAST Sunday or Palm Sunday marked the beginning of the holiest week in Christendom. Christians everywhere have been on their knees...