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Tag: Holy Spirit Church

Confirmands receive Sacrament of Confirmation

220 candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation from Holy Spirit Church, Lundu will remember 4 September 2022 ...

Family Life Committee members attend Recollection

LUNDU — Members from the Family Life Committee of Holy Spirit Parish attended a Recollection given by Fr Peter Liston, on 20 August 2022. The half-day session was held at Shepherd Green, Pandan.

Parish holds Sales Day to foster fellowship and raise funds

The Holy Spirit Church organised a Parish Sales to foster fellowship among the community, and at the same time, for the parish councillors and kampung chapels to raise some funds.

Sunday School teachers attend Recollection

On 13 August 2022, about 70 Sunday School teachers from Holy Spirit Church came together for a half-day Recollection with parish rector, Fr Adrian Kho.

Opening and Blessing of Holy Spirit Church

At the 5.00 pm evening Mass on Pentecost Sunday, 5 June 2022, Holy Spirit Church held its Opening Mass celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh...

Catechist Vincent retires after 32 years of dedicated service

LUNDU — Holy Spirit Church Parish organised a farewell reception on 31 May 2022 for Catechist Vincent Jaer, who retired at the end of last month. Vincent had served for 32 years in the...
