Tag: Holy See
First bishop of Lüliang consecrated, in accordance with China-Holy See agreement
“Desiring to promote the pastoral care of the Lord’s flock and more effectively attend to its spiritual good,” Pope Francis has decided...
Holy See ‘deplores’ offence to Christians in Opening Ceremony
The Holy See has expressed its sadness and regret at some parts of the 26 July opening ceremony for the Olympic Games in Paris.
Vatican to publish document on ‘moral questions’ regarding human dignity, gender, surrogacy
The Vatican’s top doctrinal office next week will unveil a new declaration on the theme of human dignity, one that is expected to address...
Takhta Suci: Kebebasan beragama dicabul di satu pertiga dunia
Hak asasi manusia, termasuk kebebasan fikiran, hati nurani dan agama, terus dicabul pada skala yang amat membimbangkan di seluruh dunia...
Holy See: Religious freedom is violated in one third of the world
Human rights, including those against freedom of thought, conscience and religion, continue to be violated on an alarming scale across the...
“Work with Us”: Website to apply for a job at the Vatican
The Vatican Secretariat for the Economy launches a new webpage to accept job applications for laypeople who wish to apply for vacant...