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Mary Glowrey: First woman religious doctor being considered for sainthood

Eighty years ago, Doctor Sister Mary Glowrey, JMJ, an Australian born and educated medical missionary, founded India’s largest...

Hospital Kanser Mount Miriam sambut ulang tahun ke-47

Allah telah merahmati Hospital Kanser Mount Miriam (MMCH) semenjak pintunya dibuka untuk melayan pesakit kanser pada 21 Februari 1976.

Pope Francis: ‘Health is not a luxury’

Addressing a delegation of Italian radiographers, Pope Francis praises the work of healthcare professionals and calls on governments to ensure universal access to decent healthcare.

Pope urges choices that ensure food, healthcare, living conditions for the poor

Pope Francis on Monday addressed a group of participants in the general assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, which is discussing, “Public Health in Global Perspective“.

Chipping in hot meals for frontliners

True to its mission, Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish Human Development Committee (SHC/PHDC) chipped in three days of hot meals for frontliners beginning Nov 2 until Nov 4, which works out to a total of 1,200 meal packs.
