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GROWTH and Lions Club unite for annual Christmas Party

The Lions Club of Kuching City and St Joseph’s Cathedral-based ministry GROWTH celebrated their annual joint Christmas Party on Saturday...

GROWTH community reunites for Gawai fellowship

GROWTH members enjoyed their Gawai Fellowship immediately after the monthly Sunday Mass on 16 June, just outside the day chapel at St...

Kelab Lions dan ministri GROWTH berbahagi sukacita

Kelab Lions Bandar Raya Kuching dan ministri GROWTH (Grow With The Handicapped) yang berpusat di Katedral St Joseph mengadakan Parti...

Lions Club and GROWTH Ministry spread Festive Cheer

The Lions Club of Kuching City and St Joseph’s Cathedral-based ministry GROWTH (Grow With The Handicapped) celebrated their annual joint...

Kelab Lions Bandaraya Kuching dan Kelab Leo meraikan Krismas dengan anggota GROWTH dan keluarga...

Kelab Lions Bandaraya Kuching, bersama Ministri GROWTH (Grow With The Handicapped), sebuah pelayanan di Katedral St Joseph, mengadakan Parti Krismas tahunan bersama pada 7 Disember lepas di Dewan Persidangan St John & St Lucy dalam bangunan ACCPC.

LC of Kuching City and Leos bring Christmas joy to GROWTH members and their...

The Lions Club of Kuching City, together with the Ministry of GROWTH (Grow With The Handicapped), a St Joseph’s Cathedral-based ministry, celebrated their joint annual Christmas Party on Saturday, 7 December