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Tag: Fr Varghese Parackal

Thirst for healing draws Christians to Mass and Retreat

The Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Council in collaboration with the Emmaus Servant Community of Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC), organised a Mass for Healing on 19 May 2023....

Mass to pray for Healing

Celebrated by Fr Varghese Parackal, VC at Blessed Sacrament Church in conjunction with Day-1 of Holy Spirit Novena.

Many claim healing at Christ-centred Spiritual Healing seminar

The Spiritual Healing seminar conducted by Fr Varghese Parackal from the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Perth, Western Australia, was essentially a “Life in the Spirit seminar”. With the theme “CHRIST is All in All”, the focus was on the healer Jesus Christ.

Seminar Penyembuhan Rohani

Seminar Penyembuhan Rohani akan diadakan di Dewan BSC, Gereja Blessed Sacrament, BDC dari 6 – 8 Mac. Dianjurkan dengan kerjasama Emmaus Servant Community, seminar ini akan memapakan pengkhutbah yang terkenal pada peringkat dunia Rev Father Varghese Parackal dari Perth, Western Australia.

Fr Varghese Parackal from Perth to conduct Spiritual Healing Seminar in Kuching

A Spiritual Healing Seminar will be held at the BSC Hall, Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC from 6 – 8 March.

Spiritual Healing Seminar

A Spiritual Healing Seminar 'CHRIST is ALL in ALL' will be conducted from 6-8 March at the Blessed Sacrament Church hall by Fr Varghese Parackal, director of the Vincentian Retreat Centre in Perth. Fr...
