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Tag: Fr Stanley Goh SJ


耶稣会士方济格林进才神父在服务了约十年后,于2021年9月30日放下圣若瑟私立中学校长的职位,并把棒子交给了耶稣会士史丹利吴友明(Fr Stanley Goh)神父。

Toxic Christianity – The reality and the truth

Have we not paid enough attention attending to the issues pertaining to what is happening within our church community and the one holy Catholic and apostolic Church?

Fr Stanley Goh is new principal of St Joseph’s Private Secondary School

Fr Francis Lim, SJ relinquished his position as the Principal of St Joseph's Private Secondary School on 30 September 2021 after a service of 10 years or so.

Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

In the joy of Easter, EMPOWERED organised an IG Live Session on 7 May 2021 featuring guest speaker Fr Stanley Goh, SJ and hosts Brian Chin and Francis Davin from EMPOWERED.