Tag: Fr Ramon Borja SDB
嘉尔默罗圣衣会在俗会基督君王团体的理事会成员:主席 Catherine Sim,理事会成员,第一参赞Juliana Lim,第二参赞Annie Yeo,第三参赞...
Kuching Secular Carmelites push on towards evangelical perfection
Christ The King OCDS Community (Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites) held a ceremony of the Clothing and Reception of...
Kuching Campus Ministry (KCM) organised an event entitled “Miss Me?”, an online 'reunion' between Christ and campus youth.
Alumni Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate Ke-27 (AKAYA-27) telah menganjurkan satu perjumpaan dalam talian pada 21 Ogos 2021 dengan menggunakan platform Zoom Meeting.
When will there ever be that Unity and Harmony? When?
A Reflection inspired by the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
Unseen… But Never Uncaring
On this Pentecost Sunday, I feel it fit and called for that I begin my sharing with me asking for apology…