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圣三堂华文联委会于2024年12月7日成功举办了将临期退省,此活动总共有205位教友踊跃参与,从早上8时15分开始至中午12时30分圆满结束。退省以颂念玫瑰经和赞美敬拜歌曲揭开序幕,由张小燕姐妹带领敬拜环节。讲座于上午九时正式开始,由林克润神父(Fr Paul Ling)主讲...

A memorable First Holy Communion for thirty students

At St Peter’s Church Sunday School, the preparation for First Holy Eucharist for children starts when they are in Primary 3 (age 9) and concludes with First Holy Communion mass when the children are in Primary 4 (age 10).