Tag: Fr Leonard Yap
Blessed Sacrament Church welcomes new Rector Fr Leonard Yap
Fr Leonard Yap was installed as the new Rector of Blessed Sacrament Church on 15 January, taking over from Fr Patrick Heng who has now been assigned as the Rector of St Peter’s College.
Majlis Apresiasi Persatuan Guru Katolik Daerah Serian
Persatuan Guru Katolik Daerah Serian telah mengadakan satu Majlis Apresiasi pada 27 Februari 2022 di Hotel Roxy Serian.
St Theresa’s Parish Pastoral Council prepares development master plan
The Pastoral Centre Building Committee of St Theresa’s Parish Pastoral Council invited the industry-experienced priest Fr Vincent Chin, who is the Rector of St Peter’s Parish, Kuching to have a dialogue with committee members to enlighten them about parish development matters.
此间圣德莉莎堂区牧灵议会的筹建堂区牧灵中心委員会诚心邀请对发展有丰富经验的古晋圣彼得堂区主理陳初晹神父(Fr Vincent Chin) 给筹建委員会的委员赐教,以擬定发展蓝图,以便日後发展该堂区的各项计划。