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Tag: Fr Leonard Yap

What must I do to inherit eternal life?

On 12 October, the congregation joined the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) to wish Fr Leonard Yap, the rector of Blessed Sacrament Church...

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated this year on 15 August 2024. On this Holy Day of Obligation, we...


7月3日 (星期三)这是一个非常有纪念性的日子,也是一个重要的里程碑。这的确是个喜乐,且值得庆祝的日子!当晚的晚宴一举多得!

Catholics Fellowship and Beatitudes Chinese Choir jointly celebrate 15th anniversary of Fr Leonard’s Priestly...

A dinner held on 3 July 2024 was jointly organised by Catholics Fellowship and Beatitudes Chinese Choir to celebrate the 15th priestly...

CORPUS CHRISTI: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi on 2 June 2024 was also the parish feast day of Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC...

Thanksgiving Mass: ‘Believe in my Father’s Will’

The Blessed Sacrament Church commemorated this year’s Gawai Dayak, or the Harvest Festival, with a pre-Gawai Mass on 25 May 2024...
