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Tag: Fr Larry Tan SJ

Fr Larry Tan, SJ berkongsi tariannya bagi ‘Dancing with 4th Stage Prostate Cancer’

Pada 30 Julai lalu, Pusat Kaunseling SJC telah menganjurkan satu program psikopendidikan bertajuk ‘Dancing with 4th Stage Prostate Cancer’...

Fr Larry Tan, SJ shares his moves for “Dancing with 4th Stage Prostate Cancer”

On Saturday 30 July, SJC Counselling Centre organised a psychoeducation programme titled “Dancing with 4th Stage Prostate Cancer”...

Dancing with 4th stage prostate cancer: A testimony by Fr Larry Tan SJ

Come and hear his testimony on Saturday, 30 July 2022, 10 am – 12 noon at St Joseph Grand Hall, Level 4, A.C.C.P.C.

Biarawati Carmelite meraikan Jubli Intan Konsekrasi Religius

Biara Carmelite Hati Tanpa Noda Dosa Maria merayakan ulang tahun ke-60 Ikrar Religius Sister Mary John of the Cross pada 8 Disember lalu.

Carmelite nun celebrates Diamond Jubilee of Religious Consecration

The Carmelite Monastery of the Immaculate Heart of Mary celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Religious Profession of Sister Mary John of the Cross on 8 December 2020.
