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Tag: Fr John Chong

GDK Paroki Bunan-Tebedu anjur Seminar Sinodaliti dan Identiti serta Misi Kaum Wanita dalam Gereja

Pada 16–17 Ogos lalu, Girumpung Dayung Katolik (GDK) Paroki Bunan-Tebedu berhimpun secara besar-besaran buat kali kedua.

Archdiocese of Kuching extends warm welcome to Fr Lucas Ng CDD

The Archdiocese of Kuching recently welcomed a Priest from the Congregation of the Disciples of the Lord (CDD) to Kuching.

St Stephen’s Parish hands over another house under it’s AGAPE HOME project

On 21 October, St Stephen’s Parish handed over its 18th completed AGAPE HOME (house for the poor) to Aldrine Anak Duing, a mother of four, aged between 1 to 15 years of age.

St Stephen Parish funds humanitarian project

On 27 August, Rector of St Stephen Parish Bau, Rev Fr John Chong blessed the newly completed house of Mdm Sina ak Riang and Mdm Riati ak Elen.

St Stephen’s Church parish celebrates Teacher’s Day

BAU — As part of St Stephen’s Church parish activities, the church leaders organised a Teacher’s Day celebration on 3 May 2019.
