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Tag: Fr Francis Lim SJ

Professio ad hostiam – Ikrar Kaul Abadi bagi Fr Alvin Ng, SJ dan Fr...

Pada 31 Julai 2021, yang merupakan hari raya St Ignatius Loyola, tidak ramai orang menghadiri Misa Ikrar Kaul Abadi bagi Paderi-paderi Jesuit, Alvin Ng dan Francis Lim.



Professio ad hostiam – Solemn Perpetual Vows of Fathers Alvin Ng, SJ and Francis...

On 31 July 2021 which was the feast day of St Ignatius of Loyola, a limited number of persons attended the Mass of the Solemn Perpetual Vows of Jesuit Fathers, Alvin Ng and Francis Lim.

Hari Rekoleksi Guru-Guru Katolik Sarawak: ‘Positif di Sekolah’

Sekumpulan guru-guru Katolik telah berhimpun dalam talian pada 1 Mei 2021 untuk berbahagi pengalaman mereka yang mencabar pada waktu pandemik sekarang.

Sarawak Catholic Teachers’ Guild Recollection Day: ‘Positive in School’

A group of Catholic teachers got together online on 1 May 2021 to share their challenging experiences during this time of the pandemic which is into its second year.

Jesus the Good Shepherd, St Joseph the Worker and Us

3 May 2020 is the Fourth Sunday of Easter Year A. It is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday and Vocation Sunday. The Gospel Reading of this Sunday is taken from John 10:1-10. Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.” (NRSV John 10:11, 14)
