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Tag: Fr Francis Lim SJ

Former SJPS principal, Fr Francis Lim Chin Choy SJ appointed new MAS Socius

He was appointed the new MAS Socius by the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, Fr Arturo Sosa SJ on 15 March 2022.

Purple Paradox – The reason purple is the colour of Lent

Lent begins this year on 2 March with Ash Wednesday. The colour purple is part and parcel of Lent. However, the colour purple is also a colour of paradox.

Year of the Tiger – Christ the tiger?

Tigers, being the largest felines in the world, are considered by many cultures to be a symbol of strength, courage, independence and majestic dignity.

Advent and Hope

Advent is a season of waiting and hope. During this pandemic time, most people, if not all, have kind of lost hope in the human race.


耶稣会士方济格林进才神父在服务了约十年后,于2021年9月30日放下圣若瑟私立中学校长的职位,并把棒子交给了耶稣会士史丹利吴友明(Fr Stanley Goh)神父。

Fr Stanley Goh is new principal of St Joseph’s Private Secondary School

Fr Francis Lim, SJ relinquished his position as the Principal of St Joseph's Private Secondary School on 30 September 2021 after a service of 10 years or so.
