Tag: Fr Felix Au
Kuching Catholic lawyers attend Red Mass to mark opening of new judicial year
On 4 January 2020, over 40 lawyers robed in open court attire and accompanied by their families, attended the Red Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC, to pray for the new judicial year.
Confirmands told to cherish the gifts of the Holy Spirit
On 2 October, 68 Sunday School students from both the English and Chinese Level 10 class from Blessed Sacrament Church received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Simon Poh
Emmaus Community renews pledge to Love and Serve
Emmaus Servant Community was founded by the late Rev Fr Leonardo Polinar from the Philippines in 1992, in Kuching.
52 Communicants told to treasure Jesus Christ everyday of their lives
On 20 September 2019, during a special Evening Mass, 52 students of the Blessed Sacrament Church’s Sunday School Programme received their First Holy Communion from Fr Felix Au.
Parish Joint Day of Recollection reflects on Vision and Mission statements
Blessed Sacrament Church held its Parish Joint Day of Recollection (JDR) on 13 July at the Church hall, attended by the church councillors, ministry, and lay leaders.
Fr John Direk celebrates Vocation Sunday Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church
KUCHING — On 12 May 2019, Fr John Direk, the newest diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Kuching, received a warm welcome from parishioners at the Sunday morning Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church.