Tag: Fr Felix Au
Blessed Sacrament Parish extends warm welcome to new rector
Hundreds of parishioners were at the Saturday Sunset Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC) on 22 February to witness the installation of its new rector, and to welcome him.
Catholics have a role to play in Nation Building
A seminar on Nation Building was organised by the Social and Political Awareness Ministry (SAPAM) at the Blessed Sacrament Church hall on 15 February which attracted over 100 participants.
The Cornerstone of a Harmonious Society
The annual multi-religious forum at the Islamic Information Centre (IIC) saw a panel of invited religious representatives across Kuching coming together to discuss similarities under one common theme: "Peace, Love and Faith: The Cornerstone of a Harmonious Society."
BSC bids farewell to Fr Felix Au as he goes on study leave
On the evening of 9 February, about 500 people were at a local restaurant for the farewell dinner organised for Fr Felix Au, the outgoing rector of Blessed Sacrament Church (BSC).
Peguam Katolik Kuching hadiri Misa Merah untuk merasmikan tahun kehakiman baharu
Pada 4 Januari lalu, lebih 40 orang peguam yang memakai jubah mahkamah dan diiringi keluarga masing-masing, menghadiri Misa Merah di Gereja Blessed Sacrament BDC untuk berdoa bagi tahun kehakiman baharu.
Katekis terima Sijil Penghargaan pada Hari Minggu Kateketikal
Pada tahun ini, Hari Minggu Kateketikal disambut pada 19 Januari lepas dengan tema ‘Cari, Kenali, Kongsi Kristus’. Pada asasnya, ini bermakna kita mesti sentiasa mencari Yesus Kristus, membina hubungan yang intim dan kemudian berkongsi Kristus, terutamanya dengan mereka yang belum lagi mengenaliNya, tetapi mungkin mempunyai keinginan untuk berbuat demikian.