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Tag: Fr Felix Au

Dana Pembinaan Bangunan Baharu Gereja St Mark

Untuk menandakan pelancaran kutipan dana rasmi bagi Tabung Pembinaan Bangunan Baharu, Fr Felix Au, iaitu Rektor Gereja Katolik St Mark...

St Mark’s Church launches fundraising activities for New Building Development Fund

To mark the official fundraising launch for its New Building Development Fund, Fr Felix Au...


圣心堂本堂欧庆伟神父与十里圣亚纳堂的方济会会士欧庆新神父令尊欧来贵老先生于 9月23日深夜11时55分蒙主宠召,安息主怀,享年83岁。

Priests and religious join Fr Felix and Friar David at funeral Mass for dad

The funeral Mass of Simon Au Loi Kui, father of Fr Felix and Friar David Au OFM, took place at Sacred Heart Church (SHC) on 26 September 2022, 10.00 am.

Growing parish installs additional Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

On 11 September 2022, St Mark’s Church, Batu Kawa witnessed the installation of 14 new Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EOMHC).

A Teacher’s Legacy

The legacy left by a teacher, be it the La Salle Brothers, Mill Hill Priests, Marist Brothers or a lay person, will be deeply rooted in a...