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Tag: Fr Dr Clarence Devadass

Nation Building: Christianity and Corruption Seminar

“Why have we become so numb to the evil in the world today? We are afraid to oppose, we are afraid to offend people. As people of God, we...

Malaysian delegate highlights importance of Synodality in Asia amid extremism

In a report by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) News, Fr. Clarence Davedassan, director of Kuala Lumpur’s...

Celebrating 25 years of God’s faithfulness

The Church of St Anthony celebrated the 25th sacerdotal anniversary of its parish priest, Fr Dr Clarence Devadass, on June 6 with a Mass.

Masyarakat Katolik ada peranan untuk membina negara bangsa

Sebuah seminar mengenai Membina Negara Bangsa telah dianjurkan oleh Pelayanan Kesedaran Politik dan Sosial (SAPAM) Gereja Blessed Sacrament di dewan BSC pada 15 Februari lalu, yang menarik lebih 100 orang peserta.

Pioneer batch of theology programme, DEPTh graduate

The pioneer batch of Malaysian laity enrolled in the Distance Education Programme in Theology (DEPTh) saw the culmination of their 3.5 years of studies with a graduation ceremony held February 22 at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre.

Catholics have a role to play in Nation Building

A seminar on Nation Building was organised by the Social and Political Awareness Ministry (SAPAM) at the Blessed Sacrament Church hall on 15 February which attracted over 100 participants.